Type: NiMH 'Gumstick'. Voltage: 1.2 V. Capacity: 850 mAh (new higher capacity).
Height: 48 mm. Width: 17 mm. Depth: 5.8 mm.
Price: £8.99. Postage and packing included.
Replaces: Varta VH860F6, Varta VH 860 F6, Yuasa HFY-6, GP GP8M, GP8M, Sanyo HF-B1U and more. The NH-F6 is an equivalent to several other batteries. Click here for details.
This MP3 / MP4 equivalent audio device battery, the NH-F6 NiMH 'Gumstick'
battery, powers portable audio products : CD player, MP3, Minidisc, Pocket
Digital Player.
The NH-F6 NiMH 'Gumstick' battery is used in some slim gadgets, for example the Cybiko Xtreme Wireless PDA.
For use with MiniDisc player, CD player, MP3, Pocket Digital Player such as the:
Targa TMU-401
Visual Land VL338
iRiver HFY-6
Cybiko Xtreme Wireless PDA
Digisette Duo DX
Two F6 NiMH batteries are used in the Ascom Dect Office and Office Pro 130 handsets.
If your gumstick battery is NiMH but longer than this one look at our 1350mAh rechargeable gum stick battery.
If your gumstick battery is Lithium-Ion (and not NiMH) look at our Li-Ion rechargeable gum stick battery.
For a suitable charger consider our fabulously versatile universal U-Charger
© The Small Battery Company 1999 - . All Rights Reserved. The NH-F6 is an equivalent to these batteries too.... Varta VH860F6